Comercio al por mayor de carne y productos cárnicos

sin logotipo

Montcada i Reixac - Vallés Occidental (Barcelona - Cataluña)


Comercio al por mayor de productos alimenticios, bebidas y tabaco

Productos y servicios

Comercio al por mayor de carne vacuno

Comercio al por mayor de carne y productos cárnicos

Comercio al por mayor de carne y productos cárnicos

Wholesale of meat and meat products

The company, which is based in Spain, is engaged in the wholesale distribution of a range of meat and meat products. It was incorporated in the year 2006 and has its registered business address located in the municipality of Montcada i Reixac. Some of the products the company distributes are slab and sliced bacon, beef stew, bologna, primal and sub-primal beef cuts, boxed meat, collagen sausage casings, cooked meats, preserved hams, canned hams, dried meats, luncheon meat, cured and smoke meat, meat sandwich spreads, and potted meat. In addition, the company's main customers are retail distributors of meat and meat products.
Datos de contacto
Dirección postal

CALLE DEL MIG, 17 - -19

CP: 35943 - MONTCADA I REIXAC (Barcelona)

Tlf: +34 935751153
Fax: +34 935751820

Web: www.embotitsleoboeck.com